Location & Declaration
The Philadelphia Navy Yard
At the end of the 5th High-level Dialogue in Lagos Nigeria, Penn State’s Alliance for Education, Science, Engineering and Design with Africa (AESEDA) requested that the next high-level dialogue be held in Philadelphia, PA. We’re proud to host our first high-level dialogue in North America at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. The location not only holds historical significance as a naval shipyard, but also serves today as a vibrant public-private innovation center driving economic development in Philadelphia and into the Atlantic.

Benjamin Franklin Parkway and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Photo by C. Kao for VISIT PHILADELPHIA®

America’s oldest continuously-inhabited street, Elfreth’s Alley. Photo by A. Ricketts for VISIT PHILADELPHIA®

PA Governor Tom Wolf tours the Urban Outfitters Headquarters at the Philadelphia Navy Yard in 2016. Photo CC Governor Tom Wolf

The back of Independence Hall, birthplace of the United States of America, a National Historical Landmark and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Photo by J. Fusco for VISIT PHILADELPHIA®

Philadelphia's iconic Liberty Bell. Photo by M. Fischetti for VISIT PHILADELPHIA®

The iconic Rocky Balboa statue at the base of the Philadelphia Museum of Art steps. Photo by K Huff for PHLCVB

PA Governor Tom Wolf visits the Philly Shipyard Apprentice Training Academy at the Philadelphia Navy Yard in 2017. Photo CC Governor Tom Wolf
The Philadelphia Declaration
The Philadelphia Declaration signifies a transition to five new missions that have meaning for the AIR Centre and its partners across the Atlantic. Click here to access the Declaration.